A community of boymoms, because it takes a village
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These five card ideas are handmade to give thanks to some special people! Although I have focused on thank you cards, I have added other occasions that each idea would work well for. Handmade is not only less expensive, but also turns the process into a fun activity and a good way to keep little ones entertained even on a rainy day!
We had planned to go away a few months ago, but then lockdown happened, and we had to think again. We rearranged our trip to last week and, as the rules had eased, we decided it would be just what we needed and that we should go for it. The last time we went away was well before Christmas and I knew my son wasn’t going to remember it, so this felt completely new all over again. However, when we last went away the journey was awful.
Can I just start off by saying that I am not in the best shape of my life? Ok, whew – We squashed that awkward elephant in the room.
However, at 30 years old & 3 children later, I can say that getting into the best shape of my life is really important to me now more than ever. I’m not having more children & I’m ready to focus on my health & life goals. Whether you’re still in “family-building phase” or your ovaries have “clocked out” for life, getting your body into a healthy routine is important…
I’m supposed to work my 45+ hour/week career, serving hundreds of small business clients nationwide, while home-schooling a handful of pre-teens AND attempting to keep my 2-year-old’s half-naked body out of my Zoom conference-call windows?!? Oh – Okay. I got this. It’s, like, for a month, right?
We’ve had weeks of lock-down in the UK as I write this and although things are starting to ease a little, there’s still a long way to go and we are still urged to stay at home as much as possible. I’m pretty sure we’re all feeling the strain in one way or another. My little boy has just had his first birthday and while it wasn’t exactly what we had planned, it still turned out to be quite iso-lovely.
Overnight, his once regular playdates with baby-buddies became little waves through windows as social distancing came into force. We have settled into a daily walk routine, passing the houses where children now sit, noses pressed against the glass – often decorated by drawings of rainbows symbolizing hope - watching the world go by in what I can only imagine was a state of confusion and scared. I am an adult and I am scared.
I’m really excited you’re here on this journey with our team and with all of the amazing mamas that have participated thus far. Grab your coffee (or your wine - no judgment, girlfriend) and dive into some of these stories.
The first layer you have to uncover about working through your maternity leave plan is communicating with your boss about being pregnant. You might feel anxious or nervous about telling your boss that you are pregnant. I know I did! I wanted to find the right time to tell my boss I was expecting, but I didn’t know how he would react.
“I can stay at home with the kids and while they sleep, I can work on my new business venture.” Those are familiar thoughts that run through many women’s minds when motherhood transitions to mom-preneur.

Our mission is to create a blogging platform for moms to find parenting advice, humor, encouragement, and fellowship.
We started with a simple mission and a passion for mamas…
I do take a lot of pride in keeping a clean home now more than ever, despite also being a working mom. I created a guide to cleaning my whole house so that I can keep track of what I’ve cleaned each month and to also hold myself accountable to remember the commonly forgotten places in the home. I mean, when was the last time you cleaned your baseboards?